Acrylite HW55
About this product
ACRYLITE® Heatresist hw55 acrylic polymer is a copolymer based on methyl methacrylate (MMA) with comonomer constituents for injection molding applications.
Typical properties of ACRYLITE® Heatresist acrylic polymers are:
- excellent weather resistance
- high light transmission
- high mechanical strength
- high surface hardness and mar resistance
- good melt flow rate
- versatile colorability due to crystal clarity
The special properties of ACRYLITE® Heatresist hw55 polymer are:
- high heat resistance
- high melt strength
- improved resistance to isopropyl alcohol
- AMECA listed
Used for injection molding of technical parts for applications subjected to high thermal stress.
Alcohol Resistant
Clarity, High
Flow, Good
Hardness, High
Heat Resistance, High
Light Transmission, High
Melt Strength, High
Scratch Resistance, High
Weather Resistant
Markets and technologies
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